I love sunny Saturday late lunch♡
Lately I've been really busy and I needed a day like today! Finally I could sleep in, did my washing and cleaning my house. I felt I've done so much already by 1pm:p
Just in time, my friend came to visit me. So decided to go to one of my favorite cafe in local.
55 Leichhardt Street
Glebe NSW 2037
Phone: 02 9692 9785
This cafe is located in the end of Glebe, surrounded by nothing lol
There is no building around, you can only see gorgeous Anzac Bridge view over the blackwattle bay and beautiful trees. I love coming this cafe because not only they have really nice coffee (of course they use Bonsoy, my favorite soy milk:-)) but also I can feel each time how lucky I am living here.
Stunning view, nice cozy atmosphere, friendly staffs, yummy coffee and foods, time goes very slow when you are sitting at the table... what else would you need?
Outside tables are always busy, but go inside and walk around the cafe.
They have 3 rooms in the cafe. Very arty, each room uses interesting wall papers, all pictures/drawings hanging on the wall are on sale. Like coming to a small art gallery.
This place is a renovated heritage-listed Bellevue Cottage. That's why it has high cellings, pretty window layouts, interesting floor tiles (I am not sure if they are from original though..). It is very modern but you still can feel 1896 (which is the year this place was built originally).
Started with lovely soy latte, today we decided to have..
Roast chicken, tomato and taleggio cheese sandwich ($15) and Tamarind Prawns w/ pineapple and cucumber salad ($16).
Chicken Sandwich is very simple & casual but really good! They say only they don't make in house is bread. But they source from Sonoma Artisan Sourdough Bakers, everybody knows how good Sonoma's bread is, right? The toasted sandwich bread is awesome, chicken is well marinated, lovely smell of taleggio cheese<3 <3 I love them:-) Good value also!
Prawn salad looks so clean and beautiful:-) Very interesting conventions, right?
But believe it or not, it work!!! King prawns are so fresh and great match with tamarin sauce. Pineapple and tamarin sauce are also work very well. Great flavor, another good dish:-)
When you come to Glebe, don't come only there is a market on Saturdays. Walk another 20mins and see different side of Glebe too:-) I bet you'd love it!
ブラックワトルベイ カフェ。グリーブロードをずっとずっと歩いて行って、ブラックワトルベイの真横にぽつんと一つだけ建ってる遺産登録されている建物。実は、カフェなんです。
このお店、パン以外はすべて自分のキッチンで作ってますっていってるけど、パンはちゃんとソノマブレッドからとりよせてるみたい♡さすがのこだわり!個人的にソノマのパン大好きだから、そこもうれしい〜o(≧ω≦)o パンはさくさくチーズもトッロっと溶けてて、香りがたまらない!
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