I've been looking for a perfect gold necklace for ages - needs be be perfect length, colour and of course design.
Gorgeous pattern on this pendant from Tiffany's Paloma collection. It's still pretty new in Australia (AU$2,550) - Paloma's Venezia Stella Pendant. Patterned after the gold eight-pronged stars featured on the backdrop to the famous lion sculptures gracing the Basilica San Marco in Venice. Pendant in 18k gold with blue enamel finish and round brilliant diamonds. On a 16" chain. Carat total weight .08. Original designs copyrighted by Paloma Picasso. I LOVE IT!!!! Just perfect.... yes, just perfect.... The problem is.... can I afford this right now? ......ummm, maybe no......or maybe yes?? I guess I have to wait for my tax return... I was thinking to get it when I'm back in Japan (must be cheaper by knowing we have Tiffany at the airport) but seems like it hasn't arrived in Japan market yet. Damn.... why? ファッション ナイト アウトで出会ったパーフェクトなペンダント。それはティファニーのパロマ ピカノのコレクションの一つで”パロマ ベネチィア ステラ ペンダント"。 |
8角の☆型はベニスにあるバジリカ サン マルコで有名ですょねー、けど、あたしの最初のイメージはモロッコだったケド。。
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